


Ability to Benefit – Ability to Benefit (ATB) allows a student without a high school diploma or equivalency to receive Title IV student financial aid to pay for postsecondary education and training if they are enrolled in a career pathway program. 

600.604 Admissions and Enrollment Procedure

600.604A Admission By Exception Policy

Academic Grievance –  A formal complaint by a student regarding grading, evaluation, classroom procedures, faculty behavior, or other college-related academic matters.

600.608 Student Grievance Policy and Procedure 

ADA Coordinator – The person responsible for supporting requests for Americans with Disabilities (ADA) accommodations. 

ADA Specialist – An MTECH Counselor who has received additional training in handling disability needs. This is the person who will gather information about the disability and accommodation requested and will oversee any approved accommodations. 

600.614 Students with Disabilities Policy

Admission by Exception – A process where a college may admit applicants who have not achieved the requirements necessary for college admission. 

600.604A Admission By Exception Policy

Adverse Action – For the purpose of this policy means to discharge, threaten, or discriminate against an employee in a manner that affects the employee’s employment, including compensation, terms, conditions, location, rights, immunities, promotions, or privileges. 

300.340 Whistleblower Policy and Procedure

Affiliate – An individual who is not an employee or a student, who has a formal, recognized connection to the college including (but not limited to) vendors, volunteers, and state, local and federal government officials. 

500.550 Campus Access Policy

Alcoholic Beverage – As defined by UTah State Code 32B-1-102(3)(a)(b). Alcoholic beverage means the following: Beer, wine, and liquor

600.621 Student Drug and Alcohol Procedure

Annual Security Report (ASR) – The annual report of crime statistics and other campus information that must be prepared and disseminated in accordance with the Clery Act. 

Campus Safety, Response, and Reporting Plan

Appeal – A request for variance to an MTECH policy, plan, or procedure. 

600.608A Appeals Procedure 

Article – means a manufactured item other than a fluid or particle:

(i) which is formed to a specific shape or design during manufacture;

(ii) which has end use function(s) dependent in whole or in part upon its shape or design during end use; and 

(iii) which under normal conditions of use does not release more than very small quantities, e.g., minute or trace amounts of hazard chemical, and does not pose a physical hazard or health risk to employees. 

Hazard Communication Plan

Attended Hours – Hours a student actually attends class. 

800.806 Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Audit Committee – A subcommittee of the MTECH Board of Trustees, responsible for advising the board on financial matters and oversees internal auditing functions of the college. 

500.575 Auditing and Budgeting Policy


Behavioral Intervention Team – The Behavior Intervention Team (BIT) team meets regularly to review issues, identify and assess threats to the College, and to recommend corrective actions. Membership on the team consists of administration, faculty, and staff. 

500.535 Health and Safety of Employees, Students and Guests Policy Policy

Blog – A self-published diary or commentary on a particular topic that may allow visitors to post responses, reactions, or comments. 

300.317 Social Media Policy and Procedure

Blood – The red liquid pumped by your heart that carries oxygen to your organs. For purposes of this course, this also refers to by-products of blood such as platelets or plasma

Bloodborne Pathogens BRIDGE Training

Bloodborne Pathogens – Pathogenic microorganisms that live in human blood and can cause disease in humans. These pathogens typically include, but are not limited to, hepatitis B virus (HBV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). 

Bloodborne Pathogens BRIDGE Training

BoardDocs – A public-facing board meeting management and policy distribution software. 

Program Outcomes Follow-Up Plan, Health and Safety of Employees, Students and Guests Plan

Bridge – The employee learning management software. 

Program Outcomes Follow-Up Plan

Bumping Rights – Bumping rights provide for an employee to displace another employee due to a layoff or other employment action as defined in a collective bargaining agreement, employer policy, or other binding agreement. These rights are often created through a seniority system. 

300.398 Reduction in Force Policy and Procedure


Camera – Any digital or analog device that can capture or transmit visual images designed to monitor a specific area, including but not limited to video cameras, still cameras, cellular telephones, webcams, and electronic surveillance systems and computing devices. 

500.552 Video Release Policy

Campus – MTECH campuses and other owned or controlled properties, buildings, or facilities, including locations where an official MTECH activity is being held. 

500.552 Video Release Policy

Campus Personnel – A Director, Counselor, Campus Manager, Campus Security Team, Vice President, or President. 

Campus Safety, Response, and Reporting Plan

Chemical – means any substance, or mixture of substances

Hazard Communication Plan

Chemical Manufacturer – means an employer with a workplace where chemical(s) are produced for use or distribution. 

Hazard Communication Plan

Chemical Name – means the scientific designation of a chemical in accordance with the nomenclature system developed by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) or the Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) rules of nomenclature, or a name that will clearly identify the chemical for the purpose of conducting a hazard classification. 

Hazard Communication Plan

Clery Act – The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime STatistics Act is the landmark federal law, originally known as the Campus Security Act, which requires colleges and universities across the United States to keep and disclose information about crime on and near their respective campuses. 

Campus Safety, Response, and Reporting Plan

Classification – means to identify the relevant data regarding the hazards of chemical; review those data to ascertain the hazards associated with the chemical; and decide whether the chemical will be classified as hazardous according to the definition of hazardous chemical in this section. In addition, classification for health and physical hazards includes the determination of the degree of hazard, where appropriate, by comparing the data with the criteria for health and physical hazards. 

Hazard Communication Plan

Clery Geography – Any location on which the college is required to report crime statistics for purposes of the Clery Act, including:

Campus Property – Any building or property owned or controlled by the college within the same reasonably contiguous geographic area and used by the institution in direct support of, or in a manner related to, the institution’s educational purposes. Any building or property that is reasonably contiguous to the campus that is owned by the institution but controlled by another person, if frequently used by students, and supports institutional purposes (such as food or other retail vendors). 

Public Property Within or Immediately Adjacent to the Campus – All public property, including thoroughfares, streets, sidewalks, and parking facilities, that is within the campus, or immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus. 

Non-campus Building or Property – Any building or property owned or controlled by the college that is used in direct support of, or in relation to, the institution’s educational purposes, if frequently used by students, and is not within the same reasonably contiguous geographic area of the institution. 

Campus Safety, Response, and Reporting Plan

College Employee – Any person who is paid on the college payroll system. 

300.377 Employee Travel Policy and Procedure

Commercial Account – means an arrangement whereby a retail distributor sells hazardous chemicals to an employer, generally in large quantities over time and/or at costs that are below the regular retail price. 

Hazard Communication Plan

Commercial Use – Use for profit or potential profit, including research, by public or private entities. 

500.550 Campus Access Policy

Common Name – means any designation or identification such as code name, code number, trade name, brand name or generic name used to identify a chemical other than by its chemical name. 

Hazard Communication Plan

Competency Hours – Also referred to as “Standard Hours” or “Progress Hours”. All refer to work completed by the student that counts towards student progress. 

800.806 Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Complaint – An oral or written expression of dissatisfaction with a situation, decision, or action. 

Completer –  A student who has finished all specific course requirements of a program, and has demonstrated competency in all required program objectives. 

Program Outcomes Follow-Up Plan, Placement Services Plan, Student Retention Plan

Consent – Affirmative and freely given permission to engage in sexual activity. Consent, or lack of consent, can be expressed through words or conduct. A victim has not consented when incapacitated due to alcohol or other drugs. Under Utah law, consent is not given where the perpetrator overcomes the victim by application of force, violence, concealment, and/or surprise. A victim has not consented where the perpetrator intentionally impairs the victim by administering any substance without the victim’s knowledge. A victim has not consented when he or she is unconscious, unaware that the act is occurring, or is physically unable to resist. Individuals under the age of 14 cannot consent to sexual activity.

Campus Safety, Response, and Reporting Plan

Contact Hours – Scheduled class time with students, whether face-to-face or virtual. 

300.389 MTECH Faculty Workload Policy and Procedure

Container – means any bag, barrel, bottle, box, can, cylinder, drum, reaction vessel, storage tank, or the like that contains a hazardous chemica. For purposes of this section, pipes or piping systems, and engines, fuel tanks, or other operating systems in a vehicle, are not considered to be containers. 

Hazard Communication Plan

Controlled Substance – A drug or other substance regulated by the Drug Enforcement Agency 

600.621 Student Drug and Alcohol Procedure

Council on Occupational Education (COE) –  Mountainland Technical College’s (MTECH) accrediting body. 

Systematic Process for Each Program

Crime Log – Criminal incidents and alleged criminal incidents that are reported to the MTECH Emergency Alert Line are logged internally and then forwarded to the local Policy Department. 

Campus Safety, Response, and Reporting Plan

Custom Fit – Custom Fit is a statewide training program created and funded by the legislature. This unique program offers companies and their employees the benefit of state-of-the-art training and development, customized to meet their specific needs. 

700.701A Custom Fit Procedure


Department – the division or office the employee works in

Designated Representative – means any individual or organization to whom an employee gives written authorization to exercise such employee’s rights under this section. A recognized or certified collective bargaining agent shall be treated automatically as a designated representative without regard to written employee authorization. 

Hazard Communication Plan

Disability – Any visible or non-visible impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities. 

Disabling Condition – A physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of an individual, a record of such impairment, or being regarded as having such an impairment. 

600.614 Students with Disabilities Policy

Discrimination Grievance – A formal complaint by a student alleging that an individual, office, program, or institution has engaged in improper conduct on the basis of the complainant’s connection or perceived connection to the following protected classes and characteristics:  race, color, sex, religion, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, status as a protected veteran, and any other characteristic protected by state and federal law. 

As found in:

Dismissal – Includes involuntary termination, reduction in force, and end of temporary employment. 

300.301 Employee Categories and Definitions Policy

Distributor – means a business, other than a chemical manufacturer or importer, which supplies hazardous chemicals to other distributors or to employers. 

Hazard Communication Plan

Domestic Partner – An unrelated and unmarried person who shares common living quarters with an employee and lives in a committed, intimate relationship that is not legally defined as marriage by the state in which the partners reside. 

300.350 Educational Benefits Policy

Domestic Violence – As defined in the Clery Act, felony or misdemeanor crimes of violence committed (a) by a current or former spouse or intimate partner of the victim; (b) by a person with whom the victim shares a child in common; (c) by a person who is cohabitating with or has cohabitated with the victim as a spouse or intimate partner; (d) by a person similarly situated to a spouse of the victim under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction in which the crime of violence occurred; or (e) by any other person against an adult or youth victim who is protected from that person’s acts under the domestic or family violence laws of the jurisdiction in which the crime of violence occurred. Any incident meeting this definition is considered a crime for PONS purposes of Clery Act reporting, though criminal prosecution of crimes must meet the definition of Utah law.

Under Utah law, a criminal offense involving violence or physical harm or threat of violence or physical harm, or any attempt, conspiracy, or solicitation to commit a criminal offense involving violence or physical harm, when committed by one cohabitant against another. “Domestic violence” also means commission or attempt to commit, any of the following offenses by one cohabitant against another: aggravated assault, assault, criminal homicide, harassment, electronic communication harassment, kidnapping, child kidnapping, or aggravated kidnapping, mayhem, sexual offenses, stalking, unlawful detention, violation of protective order, any offense against property, possession of a deadly weapon with intent to assault, discharge of a firearm (Utah Code Ann. § 77-36-1(4)).

Campus Safety, Response, and Reporting Plan 

Dual Enrollment – Simultaneous enrollment in secondary education and MTECH.

600.604 Admissions and Enrollment Policy and Procedure

Due Process – The Fourteenth Amendment guarantees a person’s basic rights to liberty or property, without due process of law. Due process ensures policies, procedures, plans and processes established by the college are applied consistently and without bias, and that any disciplinary actions or sanctions imposed on students are proportionate to the alleged misconduct. 

600.608 Student Grievance Policy and Procedure


Educational Record – Records directly related to a student maintained, in whatever format or medium, by an educational institution or by a party acting for the institution and contain personally identifiable information to a student. 

600.601 Student Privacy and Access of Records Policy and Procedure

Educational Resources – Etextbooks, course materials, sharts, models, videos, software, and any other tools or materials, used to support access to knowledge. Educational resources are used to reinforce learning. 

Educational REsources and Media Services Plan

Emergency Operations Plan – The college maintains written procedures to guide response to emergencies, and defines the roles and responsibilities of the emergency operations committee. Its responsibilities include crisis intervention, emergency action, emergency guidelines, threat assessment, lockdown, fire safety, lockout/tagout procedures and business resumption plans, which meet FEMA requirements. 

500.535 Health and Safety of Employees, Students and Guests Policy

Employee – A person whose salary, wages, pay or compensation is paid from college managed funds provided by the State of Utah. 

300.392 Employment of Relatives and Household Members

Employee – An individual who is directly remunerated through the college payroll system for work performed on behalf of the college. 

500.550 Campus Access Policy

Employee – means a worker who may be exposed to hazardous chemicals under normal operating conditions or in foreseeable emergencies. Workers such as office workers or bank tellers who encounter hazardous chemicals only in non-routine, isolated instances are not covered. 

Hazard Communication Plan

Employee – A Director, Counselor, Campus Manager, Campus Security Team, Vice President, or President. 

Campus Safety, Response, and Reporting Plan

Employee ADA Coordinator – The person responsible for supporting employee requests for Americans with Disabilities (ADA) accommodations.

300.323 Accommodations for Employees with Disabilities Policy and Procedure

Employer – means a person engaged in a business where chemicals are either used, distributed, or are produced for use or distribution, including a contractor or subcontractor. 

Hazard Communication Plan

Engineering Controls – Actions that reduce risk of exposure. 

Bloodborne Pathogens BRIDGE Training

English as a Second Language (ESL) – The use of English by speakers with different native languages, often with students whose native language is not English and are learning to speak and write English.

600.604E Admissions and Enrollment – English as a Second Language Students Policy 

Enrolled Hours – Hours a student is scheduled to be in class. 

800.806 Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Entrance Assessment – A test taken at an MTECH testing center that determines whether a student has the required reading comprehension and math skill needed for success in a course or program. A student must pass at required levels before they can register for a program or course that requires the assessment. 

600.604 Admission and Enrollment Policy and Procedure

Essential Job Function – The job tasks and duties which are fundamental to the purpose of the position and where satisfactory performance of these functions is integral to meeting the job requirements. 

300.323 Accommodations for Employees with Disabilities Policy and Procedure

Exposure or exposed – means that an employee is subjected in the course of employment to a chemical that is a physical or health hazard, and includes potential (e.g. accidental or possible) exposure. “Subjected” in terms of health hazards includes any route of entry (e.g. inhalation, ingestion, skin contact or absoption.)

Hazard Communication Plan


Facilities Order Request Form (FORF) – Form used to request hanging of pictures, moving of furniture, etc., through the Space Committee. 

500.553A Building Procedure

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) – A United States federal law that governs access to educational information and records. 

600.601 Student Privacy and Access of Student Records Policy and Procedure

FERPA – The Family Education Right and Privacy Act 20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99) is a federal law in the United States that governs the privacy and access rights of students’ educational records. FERPA serves several important purposes:  privacy protection for students and their families, access rights for students to their educational records, and consent requirements for the release of records.

500.549 GRAMA Compliance Policy and Procedure

Final and Binding Decision – a final administrative decision. The complainant cannot take the matter any further administratively. 

300.325 Employee Grievance Policy and Procedure

Financial Aid Probation – If eligibility is reinstated as a result of a student appeal, a status of probation is assigned during the reinstated payment period.

800.806 Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Financial Aid Suspension – Students who do not meet the minimum SFA standards by the end of a payment period will be suspended. Students may appeal for reinstatement of financial aid eligibility. 

800.806 Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Financial Exigency – Financial exigency is an existing or imminent financial crisis which threatens the mission/role of the institution as a whole, and requires programmatic reductions or closings which may entail faculty reductions or dismissals to ensemble the institution to accomplish its mission/role, and which cannot be alleviated by less drastic means. 

400.406 Program Discontinuance; Financial Exigency; and Financial Crisis Policy

Financial Gain – Gain derived from any activity recognized under current U.S. Tax Code as qualifying as a business. 

300.309 Employee Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy and Procedure

First Responder Team – MTECH has appointed First Responders for every campus, day and night. Each of the assigned team members has a healthcare background, and participates in training on a regular basis.

500.535 Health and Safety of Employees, Students and Guests Policy

Foreseeable Emergency – means any potential occurrence such as, but not limited to, equipment failure, rupture of containers, or failure of control equipment which could result in an uncontrolled release of a hazardous chemical into the workplace. 

Hazard Communication Plan

Free Expression – Means all forms of verbal, written, or symbolic communication, including peaceful assembly, protests, speaking verbally, holding signs, circulating petitions, and distributing written materials. 

Free expression does not include speech or conduct that is not recognized as protected by the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and Article 1, Section 15 of the Utah Constitution, including speech or conduct that is a true threat, fraudulent, harassment, obscene, defamatory, or otherwise unlawful.

500.551 Free Expression Policy 

Friending – Adding a person to a list of contacts associated with a social networking Web site. 

300.317 Social Media Policy and Procedure

Fundamental Alteration – Occurs when a proposed or recommended accommodation invalidates, negates, or impedes an essential job requirement. 


Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA) – A Utah state law that defines and manages access to government records. 

600.601 Student Privacy and Access of Student Records Policy

GRAMA – The Utah Government Records Access and Management Act is a critical piece of legislation in Utah that balances the public’s right to access government records with the needs to protect sensitive information. It plays a significant role in ensuring government transparency, accountability, and the proper management of records within the state. 

500.549 GRAMA Compliance Policy and Procedure

Grievance – A formal complaint from a student or employee against Mountainland Technical College (MTECH) involving a violation of an MTECH policy or federal or state law.  

600.608 Student Grievance Policy and Procedure

Grievance – a real or imagined wrong or other cause for complaint or protest, especially unfair treatment. 

300.325 Employee Grievance Policy and Procedure

Good Faith – An honest belief and purpose; absence of fraudulent or deceptive intent. 

Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA) – A Utah state law that defines and manages access to government records. 

600.601 Student Privacy and Access of Records Policy and Procedure

Guest – An individual (not a student, employee or affiliate) who is hosted by an employee or affiliate of the college, or any individual who can demonstrate legitimate business with the college such as enrollment, pre-enrollment investigation, testing, or need to access other services. 

500.550 Campus Access Policy


Harassment –  Any unwelcome verbal, physical, written, electronic, or non-verbal conduct, performed directly or through others, based on one or more of a person’s protected characteristics, that is sufficiently severe, persistent, or pervasive to effectively alter the conditions of employment or interfere with or denies educational benefits or opportunities.  Harassment does not include speech or conduct protected under the First Amendment. 500.537

Hazard Category – means the division of criteria within each hazard class, e.g., oral acute toxicity and flammable liquids include four hazard categories. These categories compare hazard severity within a hazard class and should not be taken as a comparison of hazard categories more generally. 

Hazard Communication Plan

Hazard Class – means the nature of the physical or health hazards, e.g., flammable solid, carcinogen, oral acute toxicity. 

Hazard Communication Plan

Hazard Not Otherwise Classified (HNOC) – means an adverse physical or health effect identified through evaluation of scientific evidence during the classification process that does not meet the specified criteria for the physical and health hazard classes addressed in this section. This does not extend coverage to adverse physical and health effects for which there is a hazard class addressed in this section, but the effect either falls below the cut off value/concentration limit of the hazard class or is under a GHS hazard category that has not been adopted by OSHA (e.g., acute toxicity Category 5). 

Hazard Communication Plan

Hazard Statement – means a statement assigned to a hazard class and category that describes the nature of the hazard(s) of a chemical, including, where appropriate, the degree of hazard. 

Hazard Communication Plan

Hazardous Chemical – means any chemical which is classified as a physical hazard or a health hazard, a simple asphyxiant, combustible dust, pyrophoric gas, or hazard not otherwise classified. 

Hazard Communication Plan

Health Hazard – means a chemical which is classified as posing one of the following hazardous effects: acute toxicity (any route of exposure); skin corrosion or irritation; serious eye damage or eye irritation; respiratory or skin sensitization; germ cell mutagenicity; carcinogenicity; reproductive toxicity; specific target organ toxicity (single or repeated exposure); or aspiration hazard. The criteria for determining whether a chemical is classified as a health hazard are detailed in Appendix A to 1910.1200 Health Hazard Criteria. 

Hazard Communication Plan

Health & Safety of Employees, Students and Guests Plan – This plan focuses on the health and safety of students, employees, and guests at the various MTECH campuses and buildings. It provides direction on handling incidents of sickness, accidents, and emergency health care needs. It also provides a system for reporting and investigating accidents. For purposes of this policy, the term “health” refers to factors under the control of the institution. The Health & Safety of Employees, Students and Guests Plan can be found here.

500.535 Health and Safety of Employees, Students, and Guests Policy  

High School Students – Secondary students who are enrolled through both their high school and MTECH. High school students must meet normal admission requirements. 

600.614 Students with Disabilities Policy

Home-Base – the location the employee leaves from and/or returns to.

300.377 Employee Travel Policy

Household Member – A person who resides in the same residence as the employee. 

300.392 Employment of Relatives and Household Members Policy


Illegal Activities – A violation of local, state, and/or federal laws.

300.309 Employee Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy and Procedure

Immediate Family – The employee’s spouse, in-laws, all levels of grandparents, parents, brother, sister, child, and all levels of grandchildren (step-relatives in these categories are included). 

300.346 Leave Policy and Procedure

Immediate Family Member – (for the purposes of this policy is defined as) spouse, domestic partner (see 3.2), father, mother, son, daughter, son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother, sister, brother-in-law, sister -in-law, grandfather, grandmother, grandson, granddaughter. Step or foster relationships are included. 

300.378B Special Functions Committee Procedure

Immediate Use – means that the hazardous chemical will be under the control of and used only by the person who transfers it from a labeled container and only within the work shift in which it is transferred. 

Hazard Communication Plan

Importer – means the first business with employees within the Customs Territory of the United States which receives hazardous chemicals produced in other countries for the purpose of supplying them to distributors or employers within the United States. 

Hazard Communication Plan

In Loco Parentis – The legal responsibility of a person or organization to take on some of the functions and responsibilities of a parent. 

300.346 Leave Policy and Procedure

Inappropriate Use – A violation of the intended use of MTECH network resources. 

300.309 Employee Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy and Procedure

Instructional Personnel – Employees of the Instructional Department including support personnel, faculty, and staff. 

Program Outcomes follow-Up Plan

Interactive Process – An informal dialogue through which an individual with a qualified disability and the college better understand the precise limitations created by the disability and how reasonable accommodation(s) may enable the employee to perform an essential job function(s) and access the programs, activities, and facilities available to other qualified employees. 

300.323 Accommodations for Employees with Disabilities Policy and Procedure

Instructional Personnel – Employees of the Instructional Department including support personnel, faculty, and staff.

Program Outcomes Follow-Up Plan




Label – means an appropriate group of written, printed or graphic information elements concerning a hazardous chemical that is affixed to, printed on, or attached to the immediate container of a hazardous chemical, or to the outside packaging. 

Hazard Communication Plan

Label Elements – means the specified pictogram, hazard statement, signal word and precautionary statement for each hazard class and category. 

Hazard Communication Plan

Leave of Absence (LOA) – An extended amount of time that a student must spend out of class due to pregnancy, professional medical treatment and recovery, professional mental health treatment and recovery, bereavement, temporary work assignment, winterim, military or other legal obligation.

400.401 LOA Policy and Procedure


Major Financial Crisis – To constitute a major financial crisis, a situation, facing MTECH shall: (a) be significantly and demonstrably more than an minor, temporary, and/or cyclical fluctuation in operating funds; and (b) involve substantial risk to the survival of departments, programs, or other major components of the college.

400.406 Program Discontinuance; Financial Exigency; and Financial Crisis Policy

Major Life Activity(ies) – Fundamental tasks or functions essential for independent living and overall well-being. Such tasks and functions include breathing, caring for oneself, concentrating, seeing, hearing, speaking, communicating, interacting with others, learning, lifting, performing manual tasks, reading, sleeping, walking, mobility and working. 

300.323 Accommodations for Employees with Disabilities Policy and Procedure

Major Incidents – Any medical incident involving multiple MTECH First Responders or local EMS/First Responders. 

500.533 MTECH First Responder Response Procedure

Malware or Malicious Software – Software designed to infiltrate or damage a computer system without the owner’s informed consent. 

300.309 Employee Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy and Procedure

Mass Notification System – A tool used to send text messages, emails, and phone messages to transmit brief, urgent messages to a large segment of the college population as quickly as possible. 

Campus Safety Response, and Reporting Plan

Media Services – Media sources are the communication tools or channels used to store information or data. They can be physical items such as DVDs, books, projectors, and computers; or they can be online resources such as streaming services, podcasts, screencasts, online videos, news apps, and social media. 

Educational Resources and Media Services Plan

Medical Incident – Any situation in which an MTECH First Responder encounters a patient. 

500.533 MTECH First Responder Response Procedure

Minor – Persons under the age of 18 years old. 

600.621 Student Drug and Alcohol Procedure

Minor Incidents – Any medical incident contained and completed without involvement of local EMS/First Responders. 

500.533 MTECH First Responder Response Procedure

Mixture – means a combination or a solution composed of two or more substances in which they do not react. 

Hazard Communication Plan

MTECH First Responder – MTECH employees who have been accepted into the internal MTECH First REsponder Program and maintain current American Heart Association Basic First Aid and HeartSaver certifications.

500.533 MTECH First Responder Response Procedure 


Network Resource – Any computing device connected or has the potential to connect to college campus wiring infrastructure. 

300.309 Employee Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy and Procedure

Non-Academic Grievance – A formal complaint by a student regarding student conduct, campus facilities, administrative procedures, financial aid, alleged discrimination or harassment by a college employee or student, or other college-related non-academic matters.

Non-Graduate Completer –  A student who did not finish all required program elements, but obtained enough knowledge and skills in the field of study to secure employment in a related field. 

Program Outcome Follow-Up Plan, Placement Services Plan

Non-Teaching Hours –  Time allocated for other work-related activities such as prep, curriculum development/updates, record keeping, administrative duties, connecting with industry, and other responsibilities as per the job description. 

300.389 MTECH Faculty Workload Policy and Procedure

Non-Term Programs – College programs that run on a defined start date, but have a variable end date based on individual student progress.

800.806 Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy


Occupational Exposure – Reasonably anticipated contact with blood or OPIM. 

Bloodborne Pathogens BRIDGE Training

Office Hours – Time allocated for instructors to be available to students for additional help or questions. Office hours should be at least 30 minutes every day before or after class and should be published in the instructor’s syllable. The 30 minutes can be divided into two-15 minute increments. Part-time instructors may have virtual office hours or office hours by appointment only with Director approval. 

300.389 MTECH Faculty Workload Policy and Procedure

Official Withdrawal – The last day of attendance if written notification has been provided to the institution by the student, OR the date the institution terminates the student or determines withdrawal by the student. 

600.615 Refund Policy and Procedure

Operations and Maintenance – Day-to-day services required to operate the college’s buildings and grounds. 

Operations and Maintenance of Physical Facilities Plan

OPIM – Other potentially infectious material such as body fluids, organs, or tissue cultures from humans or animals. 

Bloodborne Pathogens BRIDGE Training


Patient – Any person on campus (employee, student or visitor) who has a complaint suggestive of potential illness or injury, requests evaluation for potential illness or injury, has obvious evidence of illness or injury, has experience an acute event that could reasonably lead to illness or injury, or is in a circumstance or situation that could reasonably lead to illness or injury. 

500.533 MTECH First Responder Response Procedure

Parents – Under FERPA, a ‘parent’ includes a natural parent, a guardian, or an individual acting as a parent in the absence of a parent or guardian. 

600.601 Student Privacy and Access of Records Policy and Procedure

Payment Period – A payment period is defined as the number of scheduled credit hours a student must attend and the number of credit hours of work that a student must complete. At the time of evaluation of financial aid eligibility, a student must have successfully completed both the credit hours and weeks of instructional time required for the payment period. 

800.806 Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Pedagogy – The method and practice of teaching. Pedagogy or instruction specific training improves the ability of the teacher to teach effectively. 

400.418 Faculty Professional Development Policy and Procedure

Per Diem – an allowance paid daily. 

300377 Employee Travel Policy

Personal Guest – An individual, traveling with an MTECH employee who is on college-authorized travel. 

300.377 Employee Travel Policy

Personnel Files – Records of a MTECH employee retrievable under the employee’s name or identifying number containing information gathered in the course of official MTECH business. The information relates specifically to the employee’s qualifications, work assignments, promotions, compensation, performance, disciplinary action, and participation in MTECH benefit programs. 

300.331 Personnel Files Policy

Physical Hazard – means a chemical that is classified as piosing one of the following hazardous effects: explosive, flammable (gasses, aerosols, liquids, or solids); oxidizer (liquid, solid or gas); self-reactive; pyrophoric (liquid or solid);  self-heating; organic peroxide; corrosive to metal; gas under pressure; or in contact with water emits flammable gas. 

Hazard Communication Plan

Pictogram – means a composition that may include a symbol plus other graphic elements, such as a border, background pattern, or color, that is intended to convey specific information about the hazards of a chemical. Eight pictograms are designated under this standard for application to a hazard category. 

Hazard Communication Plan

Political Lobbying – Activities on behalf of a particular party or candidate. 

300.309 Employee Information Technology Acceptable Use Policy and Procedure

Post – Content an individual shares on a social media site or the act of publishing content on a site. 

300.317 Social Media Policy and Procedure

Precautionary Statement – means a phrase that describes recommended measures that should be taken to minimize or prevent adverse effects resulting from exposure to a hazardous chemical, or improper storage or handling. 

Hazard Communication Plan

Preponderance of the evidence –  The evidentiary standard used during a discrimination, harassment, retaliation investigation/review to determine if the allegations occurred and if an MTECH policy violation has occurred.  Preponderance of evidence means it is more likely than not, or more than 50 percent in favor, that the misconduct occurred as alleged. 500.537

Preponderance of Evidence Standard (Title IX, Education Amendments of 1972) – Standard used to determine whether the allegation(s) more likely than not occurred. 

Primary Department – The department to which the employee is primarily assigned. In situations where an employee is assigned to more than one department, the primary department is the department that assumes more than 50 percent of an employee’s salary. If an employee is assigned 50 percent time to two departments, the department first employing the employee is the primary department. 

300.301 Employee Categories and Definitions Policy

Private Records – Private records are records that are not created or maintained by a government agency or public institution. They are typically associated with private organizations or individuals and are not subject to public records laws. Private records are generally not accessible to the public, and access to them is typically determined by the policies and practices of the entity or individual that owns and maintains the records. 

500.549 GRAMA Compliance Policy and Procedure

Private Spaces – Areas in which individuals hav3e a reasonable expectation of privacy, including but not limited to restrooms, locker rooms, and dressing rooms. 

500.552 Video Release Policy

Produce – means to manufacture, process, formulate, blend, extract, generate, emit or repackage.

Hazard Communication Plan

Product Identifier – means the name or number used for a hazardous chemical on a label or in the SDS. It provides a unique means by which the user can identify the chemical. The product identifier used shall permit cross-references to be made among the list of hazardous chemicals required in the written hazard communication program, the label and the SDS. 

Hazard Communication Plan

Professional Development – Improvement of teaching skills, by instructors, to better meet the needs of their students. 

400.418 Faculty Professional Development Policy and Procedure

Profile – Information that a user provides about himself or herself on a social networking site.

300.317 Social Media Policy and Procedure

Program Certificate – A career and technical education program completion certificate awarded by a technical college that is a Utah System of Higher Education Institution. 

600.601 Student Privacy and Access of Records Policy and Procedure

Program Discontinuance – Program discontinuance for academic reasons under this policy means the cessation of a program based upon educational and academic considerations. Educational and academic considerations do not include cyclical or temporary variations in enrollment and/or budgets, but must reflect long-range judgments that the basic learning, and mission of MTECH will be strengthened by the discontinuance of the program. Program discontinuance does not preclude the reallocation of resources to other academic programs with higher priority based on academic and educational reasons. 

Decision-Making Process – Consideration of the possible discontinuance of an academic program may be initiated at any time by the College President or by the Vice PResident of Instruction. The reasons for discontinuance, and the effects on staff, students, and other programs will be discussed and documented. The Executive Staff has the authority to make all decisions affecting the discontinuance of programs. 

400.406 Program Discontinuance; Financial Exigency; and Financial Crisis Policy

Progress Hours – The progress hours awarded to students for work completed.

800.806 Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Property – Any property owned, leased, or controlled by the college. 

Campus Safety, Response, and Reporting Plan

Protected Activity – Activities related to the procedural administration of this policy.  Opposing or reporting any violations of this policy, or participating in any manner in an investigation or proceeding under this policy.  Protected activities also include external reporting or assisting others in making a report, and a refusal to participate in proceedings under this policy.

Public Records – Public records are records created or maintained by the college as part of its official functions. These records are typically accessible to the public, subject to certain exceptions and restrictions, as defined by laws like GRAMA. Public records are often considered government property and are subject to disclosure requests from the public. 

500.549 GRAMA Compliance Policy and Procedure

Pyrophoric Gas – means a chemical in a gaseous state that will ignite spontaneously in air at a temperature of 130 degrees F (54.4 degrees C) or below. 

Hazard Communication Plan


Qualified Beneficiary – An employee or other individual covered under the college benefit plans at the time of a qualifying event. 

300.301 Employee Categories and Definitions Policy

Qualified Company – For the Mountainland Region, a qualified company is one that is for-profit, and resides in Utah, Wasatch or Summit County. 

700.701A Custom Fit Procedure


Rate – a fixed price. 

300.377 Employee Travel Policy and Procedure

Reasonable Accommodation – Any change or adjustment to a job or work environment that permits a qualified applicant or employee with a disability to perform the essential functions of the job, equal to those applicants or employees without a disability. 

Records – Any recorded information, regardless of its physical or digital format, that an organization creates, receives, maintains, or uses in the course of its business or activities. Records can include documents, emails, files, and any other information that needs to be preserved for legal, operational, or historical reasons. 

500.549 GRAMA Compliance Policy and Procedure

Registration – Signing up and paying for a specific course or program.

600.605 Registration and Transfer of Coursework Policy

Reimbursement – money paid to compensate an employee for personal money spent traveling for the benefit of the college. 

300.377 Employee Travel Policy and Procedure

Relative – An employee’s father, mother, husband, wife, son, daughter, sister, brother, grandfather, grandmother, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, grandson, granddaughter, first cousin, mother-in-law, father-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, son-in-law, daughter-on-law, domestic partner, or step-family members. 

300.392 Employment of Relatives and Household Members Policy

Relationship/Dating Violence – As defined in the Clery Act, violence committed by a person who is or has been in a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature with the victim. The existence of such a relationship is determined based on the reporting party’s statement and with consideration of the length of the relationship, type of relationship, and frequency of interaction between the parties. It includes, but is not limited to, sexual or physical abuse or the threat of such abuse. It does not include acts covered under the definition of domestic violence. Any incident meeting this definition is considered a crime for purposes of Clery Act reporting, though criminal prosecution of crimes must meet the definition of Utah law.

Under Utah law, any criminal offense involving violence or physical harm, or threat of violence or physical harm, when committed by a person against a dating partner of the person; or any attempt, conspiracy, or solicitation by a person to commit a criminal offense involving violence or physical harm against a dating partner of the person. “Dating partner” means a person who: (A) is an emancipated person under Section 15-2-1 or Title 78A, Chapter 6, Part 8, Emancipation; or (B) is 18 years of age or older; and is, or has been, in a dating relationship with the other party. “Dating partner” does not include an intimate partner, as defined in federal law in Title 18 U.S.C. Section 921. “Dating relationship” means a social relationship of a romantic or intimate nature or a relationship which has romance or intimacy as a goal by one or both parties, regardless of whether the relationship involves sexual intimacy. “Dating relationship” does not mean casual fraternization in a business, educational, or social context. In determining, based on a totality of the circumstances, whether a dating relationship exists, all relevant factors shall be considered, including: (a) whether the parties developed interpersonal bonding above a mere casual fraternization; (b) the length of the parties’ relationship; (c) the nature and the frequency of the parties’ interactions, including communications indicating that the parties intended to begin a dating relationship; (d) the ongoing expectations of the parties, individual or jointly, with respect to the relationship; (e) whether, by statement or conduct, the parties demonstrated an affirmation of their relationship to others; and (f) whether other reasons exist that support or detract from a finding that a dating relationship exists; and it is not necessary that all, or a particular number, of the factors described herein are found to support the existence of a dating relationship (Utah Co Ann. § 78B-7-402).

Campus Safety, Response, and Reporting Plan

Responsible Party – means someone who can provide additional information on the hazardous chemical and appropriate emergency procedures, if necessary. 

Hazard Communication Plan

Retaliation – An action, performed directly or through others, that is aimed to dissuade a reasonable person from engaging in a protected activity or is done in retribution for engaging in a protected activity.  Action in response to a protected activity is not retaliatory unless (1) it has a materially adverse effect on the working, academic, or other MTECH-related environment of an individual and (2) it would not have occurred in the absence of (but for) the protected activity. (500.537)

Retired Employees – Employees who have worked for at least ten years previously for Mountainland Technical College and are no longer employed with the college or any other employer. Employees who were terminated for cause are not considered Retired Employees for the purpose of this policy. 

300.350 Educational Benefits Policy

Request for Accommodation – An official request, made by a student, to document a disabling condition and request the accommodations which the student desires. 

600.614 Students with Disabilities Policy


Safety Data Sheet (SDS) – means written or printed material concerning a hazardous chemical. 

Hazard Communication Plan

SAP Appeal – A student may request reconsideration of eligibility for financial aid by submitting a written request, accompanied by supporting documentation to the Financial Aid Office.

800.806 Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Scope of Employment – All training provided by MTECH in preparation for the MTECH First REsponder Program (CPR and Basic First Aid Certifications). 

500.533 MTECH First REsponder Response Procedure

Serious Health Condition – A condition which requires an overnight stya in a hospital, hospice, or residential medical facility; or a condition requiring absence from work, school, or other regular daily activities for more than three calendar days, and which requires continuing treatment by, or under the supervision of a health care provider; or a condition requiring continuing treatment for a chronic or long–term health condition which, if not treated, would result in an absence of more than three days. 

300.346 Leave Policy and Procedure

Sexual Assault – As defined in the Clery Act, an offense that meets the definition of rape, fondling, incest, or statutory rape as used in the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting System. Any incident meeting this definition is considered a crime for purposes of Clery Act reporting, though criminal prosecution of crimes must meet the definition of Utah law (Utah Code Ann. § 76-9-702.1).

Under Utah law, a person is guilty of sexual battery if the person, under circumstances not amounting to rape, sodomy, forcible sex abuse, or aggravated sexual abuse, intentionally touches—whether or not through the clothing—the anus, buttocks, or any part of the genitals of another person, or the breast of a female person, and the person’s conduct is under circumstances the person knows or should know will likely cause affront or alarm to the person touched. 

Campus Safety, Response, and Reporting Plan

Signal Work – means a word used to indicate the relative level or severity of hazard and alert the reader to a potential hazard on the label. The signal words used in this section are “danger” and “warning”. “Danger” is used for the more severe hazards, while “warning” is used for the less severe. 

Hazard Communication Plan

Simple Asphyxiant – means a substance or mixture that displaces oxygen in the ambient atmosphere, and can thus cause oxygen deprivation in those who are exposed, leading to unconsciousness and death.

Hazard Communication Plan

Smoking – The possession of any lighted or heated tobacco product in any form; inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying any plant product intended for inhalation, shisha or non-tobacco shisha, nicotine, a natural or synthetic tobacco substitute, or a natural or synthetic flavored tobacco product; using an e-cigarette; or using an oral smoking device intended to circumvent the prohibition of smoking in this rule. 

300.341 Smoking Policy 

Social Media/Network – A category of internet-based resources that enable the user to generate content and encourage other user participation. This includes, but is not limited to social networking sites Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, YouTube, Wikipedia, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Blogs, and other sites. 

300.317 Social Media Policy and Procedure

Specific Chemical Identity – means the chemical name, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry Number, or any other information that reveals the precise chemical designation of the substance. 

Hazard Communication Plan

Speech – Expression or communication of thoughts or opinions in spoken words, in writing, by expressive conduct symbolism, photographs, videotape, or related forms of communication. 

300.317 Social Media Policy and Procedure

Stalking – As defined in the Clery Act, means engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for the person’s safety or the safety of others; or suffer substantial emotional distress. For the purposes of this definition, course of conduct means two or more acts, including, but not limited to, acts which the stalker directly, indirectly, or through third parties, by any action, method, device, or means follows, monitors, observes, surveils, threatens, or communicates to or about, a person, or interferes with a person’s property. “Substantial emotional distress” means significant mental suffering or anguish that may, but does not necessarily, require medical or other professional treatment or counseling. “Reasonable persons” means a reasonable person under similar circumstances and with similar identities to the victim. Any incident meeting this definition is considered a crime for purposes of Clery Act reporting, though criminal prosecution of crimes must meet the definition of Utah law. 

Under Utah law, a person is guilty of stalking who intentionally or knowingly engages in a course of conduct directed at a specific person and knows or should know that the course of conduct would cause a reasonable person to fear for the person’s own safety or the safety of a third person, or to suffer other emotional distress. A person is guilty of stalking who intentionally or knowingly violates a stalking injunction issued pursuant to Utah Code Ann. § 77-3a or a permanent criminal stalking injunction issued pursuant to Utah Code Ann. § 76-5-106.

Campus Safety, Response, and Reporting Plan

Student – An individual enrolled in a program, course or activity at MTECH.

Student – An individual who is currently enrolled in the college student information system.

500.550 Campus Access Policy

Student – An individual officially registered in an active program or course. 

600.614 Students with Disabilities Policy

Student ADA Coordinator – The person responsible for supporting student requests for Americans with Disabilities (ADA) accommodations. 

300.323 Accommodations for Employees with Disabilities Policy and Procedure

Student Affairs Department Administration – The Vice President of College Relations and Associate Vice President of Student Affairs. 

Student Services Effectiveness Plan

Student Affairs Department Leadership – The Vice PResident of College Realtions, Associate Vice President of Student Affairs, Senior Director of Student Services, and Director of Student Success.

Student Services Effectiveness Plan

Substance – means chemical elements and their compounds in the natural state or obtained by any production process, including any additive necessary to preserve the stability of the product and any impurities deriving from the process used, but excluding any solvent which may be separated without affecting the stability of the substance or changing its composition. 

Hazard Communication Plan

Supportive Measures –  Non-disciplinary, non-punitive individualized services offered as appropriate, as reasonably available, and without fee or charge to the complainant or the respondent before or after the filing of a formal complaint or where no formal complaint has been filed.  Such measures are designed to restore or preserve equal access to MTECH’s education program or activity without unreasonably burdening the other party, including measures designed to protect the safety of all parties or MTECH’s educational environment, or deter discrimination or harassment.  Supportive measures may include counseling, extensions of deadlines or other course-related adjustments, modifications of work or class schedules, campus escort services, mutual restrictions on contact between parties, changes in work locations, leaves of absence, increased security and monitoring of certain areas of campus, and other similar measures.  MTECH must maintain as confidential any supportive measures provided to the complainant or responded, to the extent that maintaining such confidentiality would not impair the ability of MTECH to provide the supportive measures.  The Civil Rights Director is responsible for coordinating the effective implementation of supportive measures. 500.535

Supervisor – An Individual employed by MTECH who has hiring authority and who has a position that directly supervises an employee of MTECH. 

300.301 Employee Categories and Definitions Policy

Supervisor – A person employed by MTECH who has hiring authority for and holds a position that directly supervises an employee of the college. 

300.392 Employment of Relatives and Household Members Policy

Supervisor – the person and position to whom the employee reports.

300.377 Employee Travel Policy and Procedure


Telecommuter – is an employee of the college who has been approved for an alternative work arrangement, away from college campuses. 

300.318 Telecommuting Policy and Procedure

Telecommuting – is a flexible work arrangement that allows an employee to work at home for part, or all of, their regular work schedule. 

300.318 Telecommuting Policy and Procedure

Term Programs  – College programs that run on defined start and end dates.

800.806 Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy

Termination Date – The last day worked. 

300.301 Employee Categories and Definitions Policy

Third Parties – Individuals who are not college employees, such as relatives, acquaintances, or visitors. 

Campus Safety, Response, and Reporting Plan

Transcript – Records of a student’s enrollment at the college and contains, at a minimum, the following information: the program of study, courses or units of study completed with corresponding grades, period of enrollment, and credential awarded, if applicable. 

600.601 Student Privacy and Access of Records Policy and Procedure


Universal Precautions – Treat everything as if it is infections

Bloodborne Pathogens BRIDGE Training

Use – means to package, handle, react, emit, extract, generate as a byproduct, or transfer. 

Hazard Communication Plan

Utah Division of Risk Management – This is a division of state government that provides insurance coverage for the College, and all state agencies, for liability, property, and vehicle coverage. The division requires those insured to complete an annual self-inspection survey to help agencies recognize and eliminate hazards that can affect students, employees, guests, and property. 


Vice President – The Vice PResident responsible for the department where the employee reports. 

300.377 Employee Travel Policy and Procedure

Video Surveillance – Viewing, recording, or making available for viewing visual images of campus in the form of photographs, video recordings, live feed, or in other formats. 

500.552 Video Release Policy

Video Surveillance System – All components of video surveillance, including hardware, software, camera installations, recording protocol, monitoring, etc. 

500.552 Video Release Policy

Voluntary Termination – Occurs when an  employee resigns, leaves, retires, fails to return to MTECH of his/her own volition after an approved leave of absence, or is absent from work for more than three consecutive working days without notifying his/her supervisor. 

300.301 Employee Categories and Definitions Policy


Waiver – A Qualification that can take the place of entrance assessment testing. This could include a transcript demonstrating previous education, certification, or ACT/SAT scores. 

600.604 Admissions and Enrollment Policy and Procedure

Work Areas – means a room or defined space in a workplace where hazardous chemicals are produced or used, and where employees are present. 

Hazard Communication Plan

Workplace – means an establishment, job site, or project, at one geographical location containing one or more work areas. 

Hazard Communication Plan



